Clean, cost-effective, reliable energy for Vermont
We provide customers clean, cost-effective, and reliable energy. Our annual energy mix is 100% carbon free and 82% renewable. We will continue to use more local and regional renewable energy as we become 100% renewable by 2030.
2023 Annual Energy Mix
This chart (figure 1) shows GMP’s annual energy mix after Renewable Energy Credit (REC) retirements. Scroll down to see our mix before REC retirements (figure 2), and to learn more about RECs and how they cut costs for customers while helping meet renewable goals.

What are RECs?
A REC is a Renewable Energy Credit, and each represents the environmental benefits of 1 MWh of renewable energy like solar, hydro, or wind delivered into New England though a regional registration system all the states use. Each New England state has renewable energy goals, and they can be met by retiring these RECs.
To meet Vermont’s Renewable Energy Standard (RES), Vermont utilities can retire RECs from their own renewables and power purchase agreements, or they can buy and retire RECs from energy delivered into the New England region. Each REC is counted once and is used toward the annual energy mix of whoever retires it. The regional REC market has helped create new renewable projects and helped directly lower costs for customers. GMP sells some of the RECs to other utilities when those RECs are more valuable out of state, which directly helps to reduce costs for all GMP customers.
GMP Hydropower
Learn more about our Hydropower Facilities.