If you’re looking for information about interconnecting your own generation to the grid, you’ve come to the right place! For further assistance, contact the Distributed Resources team at [email protected] or 802-770-3399.
There are several choices when considering interconnecting your generation source. The easiest way to separate them is by size as well as how you’ll be compensated for the power you produce.
All interconnection applications or registrations received after January 1, 2024 follow these codes and standards.
- Default New England Bulk System Area Settings Requirement
- IEEE 1547-2018 (as amended by IEEE 1547a-2020) replaced both 1547-2003 and 1547a-2014 in February 2018
- IEEE 1547.1-2020 superseded IEEE 1547.1a-2015 in May 2020
- UL 1741 (2010) as supplemented by UL1741 SA (2016) and UL 1741 SB (Third Edition, Dated September 28, 2021)
Read GMP’s advisory letter.
- Biennial Net Meter Order 6.17.22 – effective September 1, 2022, Biennial Update of the Net-Metering Program. This references changes to Blended Rate, Siting Adjusters & REC Adjusters.
- State of Vermont Public Utility Commission Net Metering Website (formerly Vermont Public Service Board).
- Vermont SPEED Program
- Renewable Energy Vermont
- GMP’s Self Generation & Net Metering Tariff
- Complete listing of Distributed Generation Projects proposed to interconnect with the GMP system (updated daily).
State Regulations
- 30 V.S.A. § 219a amended. Act 99 (Bill H.702) An act relating to self generation and net metering (April, 2014)
- 30 V.S.A. § 248 New gas and electric purchases, investments, and facilities; certificate of public good (May, 2013)
- Rule 5.100 Regulations Pertaining to Construction and Operation of Net Metering Systems
- Rule 5.500 Interconnection Procedures for Proposed Electric Generation Resources
New Interconnection Procedure
Starting March 1, 2024, with the new 5.100 and 5.500 rules linked above, the Vermont Public Utility Commission (PUC) separated the Interconnection and Net Metering Certificate of Public Good (CPG) processes (with a partial crossover for projects <=15kW)
- For projects 0-15kW:
- Apply through the Vermont PUC website via ePUC using Net-Metering Registration.
- GMP emails you about any issues with the project by the 15th day following complete application.
- PUC issues/denies CPG. All CPGs deemed issued are conditioned on the CPG holder complying with all GMP interconnection requirements in the bullet above.
GMP will handle Interconnection requests prior to applying for a CPG for all other projects and will follow Rule 5.500 (Flowchart available here).
- For projects >15-150kW:
- Sends completed “Rule 5.500 Application for Interconnection of Distributed Energy Resources Not Greater than 150 kW” to [email protected]
- GMP reviews and must issue interconnection approval letter to applicant stating any requirements or no requirements for interconnection by the 31st day following a completed application unless the project fails the preliminary screening criteria and requires further analysis as laid out within the rule.
- Applicant files for CPG on ePUC using appropriate Net-Metering Registration/Application and attaches GMP approval letter in above bullet as part of filing.
- For projects >150kW-500kW:
- Sends completed “Rule 5.500 Application for Interconnection of Distributed Energy Resources Greater than 150 kW” to [email protected]
- GMP reviews and must issue interconnection approval letter to applicant stating any requirements for interconnection by the 31st day following a completed application unless the project fails the preliminary screening criteria and requires further analysis as laid out within the rule.
- Applicant files for CPG on ePUC using appropriate Net-Metering Registration/Application and attaches GMP approval letter in above bullet as part of filing.
- For projects >500kW:
- Sends completed “Rule 5.500 Application for Interconnection of Distributed Energy Resources Greater than 150 kW” to [email protected]
- GMP reviews and must issue interconnection approval letter to applicant stating any requirements for interconnection by the 31st day following a completed application unless the project fails the preliminary screening criteria and requires further analysis as laid out within the rule.
- Applicant petitions for CPG under 30 V.S.A §248 CPG following that process and uses GMP approval letter in above bullet as part of filing.
Net-Metering Registration Eligibility – After receiving interconnection approval (15kW or less systems are exempt), register for a CPG for the following types of systems using ePUC’s Registration:
- Ground-mounted photovoltaic systems with a capacity of 15 kW or less,
- Roof-mounted photovoltaic systems with a capacity of 500 kW or less,
- Mixed Ground- and Roof-Mounted Systems of up to 500 kW Where the Ground-Mounted Portion Does Not Exceed 15 kW, and
- Hydroelectric facilities with a capacity of 500 kW or less.
Net-Metering Application Eligibility – After receiving interconnection approval, apply for a CPG for the following types of systems using ePUC’s Application:
- Ground-mounted photovoltaic systems with a capacity of greater than 15 kW and up to and including 500 kW, and
- Other eligible technology systems other than photovoltaic systems with a capacity of up to and including 500 kW.
- VTPUC Application to Transfer Net-Metering CPG
- This form is for transferring a net-metering CPG for a system of any size if the transfer is separate from a change in the ownership of the property hosting the system.
- VTPUC Request Form to Attribute Multiple Net-Metering Systems to a Group
- This form is to merge multiple groups into one if the combined capacity total is less than 500 kW.
- Group Billing Details for GMP
- This form is to form a group with GMP and should be sent separately from the CPG application. It does not need to be sent to the PUC.
Applications must be submitted to the PUC clerk as well as to GMP. Your GMP copy can be submitted by email to [email protected], or mailed to:
Green Mountain Power
2152 Post Road, Rutland, VT 05701
c/o Distributed Resources
GMP Requirements
- GMP Interconnection Guidelines
- GMP Solar Service Requirements
- GMP Socket Labeling
- GMP Solar Service with Battery Storage (DC Tesla Powerwall or equivalent) Requirements
- Gross Solar Meter Battery Storage Install Form and Checklist – Requests can be emailed to [email protected]
Looking for a contractor or installer?
Check out Renewable Energy Vermont (REV) at REVermont.org or 802-229-0099. REV is a clean energy trade association.