Check Out Wind Power, Up Close!

Ever wonder what it is like to see a working wind farm up close? You can this summer, when Green Mountain Power’s popular tours of Kingdom Community Wind return for a seventh season. Now is the time to sign up!
More than 1,200 visitors check out the 21-turbine site in Lowell each summer. Tours are free and you spend about 90 minutes visiting two of the turbines, learning about the site, and how wind power works.
On a survey, tour participants have told us:
“The informal setting was good for asking whatever question we had.”
“Learned a lot about the wind turbines. Also a great view!”
“The turbines are impressive and very quiet. I find them very calming to watch.”
“They are awesome sculptural objects.”
2019 Tour Dates
June 12 10:00am & 1:00pm
July 20 10:00 am & 1:00pm
Tours are free, but you have to register in advance.
Sign up for a tour this summer!
If you have questions, we’re here to help! Send an email to Wind Tours.