Green Mountain Power Ranked One of Fast Company’s Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in Energy

Guess who’s fast? GMP is Fast! Fast Company recently named Green Mountain Power (GMP) one of the “Top 10 Most Innovative Companies” in the energy sector for our groundbreaking work partnering with customers to build a new energy future. GMP is proud to be recognized alongside other energy pioneers like Tesla Motors, Google, and GE.
This honor shows the incredible work being achieved in Vermont, and the power of working together on a new energy future. GMP was the first utility to partner with Tesla to bring the Powerwall battery to Vermonters. Hand in hand with local officials, business leaders and residents of Rutland, we powered the city with solar to create the Solar Capital of New England. We are introducing our customers to comprehensive energy services like our eHome program, that help people use less energy. And we have a team of employees focused on delivering these cutting-edge products and services to customers, while also keeping an eye out for new innovations that will improve lives and strengthen communities.
How is GMP able to lead the way in an industry that historically struggles to embrace change? It has to do with our employees and a core cultural mission to do good every day in everything we do. We are customer obsessed and focused on delivering clean, cost effective, reliable power to Vermonters, or as Fast Company puts it, “turning Vermont (even) greener.”