Mari McClure
President & CEO
Direct Dial: 802●655●8749
March 13, 2020
Dear Customers:
Safety is at the forefront of everything we do at GMP. Our focus is to keep customers and employees safe, and to continue to deliver reliable service during these unprecedented times. We have an ironclad commitment to health and safety; it guides our decisions day in and day out, and is particularly important now.
GMP is well-prepared to respond to COVID-19. Much like our storm plans, we have an infectious disease plan, and we have updated it to reflect the evolving guidance on COVID-19 from the CDC and our state Department of Health. GMP employees are dedicated, focused, and ready to meet whatever challenges may lie ahead.
At this time, GMP will carry on with normal business operations, but with modified guidelines for customers and employees, outlined below. Our customer care lines remain open, our crews are available for service calls, and our lineworkers are ready if there are outages. We’re always working around-the-clock to keep the lights on for you and your family.
Over the next few weeks, we are limiting public access to our facilities, including our headquarters in Colchester and offices in Rutland, to curb possible exposure to the virus. We are asking customers to utilize payment drop boxes that are located outside our facilities at these two locations. You can learn more about the many ways to get in touch with GMP over the phone or online by visiting our website
If GMP representatives are providing services at your home let us know immediately if you are sick or have been exposed to someone who is. We have asked GMP employees to follow the recommended safety precautions including washing hands frequently, wiping surfaces, and exercising “social distancing.” That includes interactions with customers in the field. We encourage you to take the same precautions to protect yourself and those around you.
For more information about COVID-19 and what you can do to keep yourself safe, visit the Vermont Department of Health or CDC website.
We will keep you informed as we learn more. One of the things that makes Vermont so special is that we take care of each other in times like this. We care about our community and our customers and encourage you to take precautions to keep yourself and loved ones healthy.
Yours in safety,
Mari McClure