How GMP restores power

When a major storm strikes our beautiful state, our priority immediately is to clear hazards, such as downed power lines, downed trees and equipment blocking the roads. Sometimes this can take several days depending on the extent of the storm’s impacts to Vermont, including trees and roads. This assures emergency vehicles can reach customers if needed.
Transmission and substation facilities are then repaired first since they supply power to the lines serving communities, neighborhoods and individual customers.
We move quickly and safely to hospitals and other critical medical facilities, communications facilities and emergency response agencies.
Crews then work to restore power as quickly as possible to the rest of our customers, typically addressing outages that restore the largest number of customers before moving to more isolated events.
We know more than anyone how hard it is to lose power. And we are a team of the most motivated Vermonters working as quickly as safely possible to get power on for all. We are in this together.