GMP Announces Kingdom Community Wind Tours to Return This Summer
Wind tours are back!
New Program Helps Vermont Businesses Save Money & Improve Efficiency, while...
Vermont’s Clean Electric Supply Delivers Carbon Progress in New State Report
GMP Customers Save Thousands When They Say Goodbye to Fossil Fuel and Choose...
GMP’s Pioneering Network of Powerwall Batteries Delivers First-in-New-England...
GMP Named a 2021 Environmental Champion Utility on Earth Day
GMP is First Utility to Offer Span Smart Panel to Empower Customers, and Accelerate...
Empowering Customers with Pioneering Technology
Forecasts Call for Heavy, Wet Snow and Possible Outages Across Vermont’s Higher...
Green Mountain Power Named a National Leader for Transformation to a Clean &...
Groundbreaking Battery System Powers Vermont State House During Recent Severe...