It is always good to be prepared for a storm before it hits. Some simple tips in this video can help you stay safe if there’s severe weather damage that causes outages.

First, to report an outage, call GMP at (888) 835-4672 or report from our Outage Center.
- You can also download our free App or sign up for outage text alerts to report outages and get restoration times.
- And if you encounter downed lines, stay far away and always call 911 first, then GMP.
Items to Have on Hand
- A battery-powered flashlight
- Portable radio
- Extra batteries
- First aid kit
- Glow sticks
- Food that doesn’t need refrigeration
- A manual can opener
- A phone that does not require electricity to function
- Emergency phone numbers
- Bottled water
Other Tips
- Make sure your mobile phones are fully charged.
- Plan where to go if you need to leave your home.
- If you rely on well water, you may want to fill a bathtub with water before you lose service so the water can be used to flush toilets, etc.
- If power goes out, keep freezers and refrigerators closed as much as possible to prevent food spoilage.
- If power goes out, turn off all electrical appliances except one light so you’ll know when service returns. Then turn equipment back on slowly.
- Don’t light candles; it could cause a fire.
- Don’t use cooking range for emergency heating; it could build up deadly carbon monoxide fumes.

Don’t touch or go near downed wires!
- It is impossible to tell if a line is energized until GMP arrives, so treat all lines as if they are carrying electricity. These wires can cause serious injuries or death.
- If the line is blocking the road or in contact with a vehicle with people inside, call 911. Then call GMP.
- Instruct others to keep at least 50 feet away and keep pets and livestock away as well.
- Assume all objects touching the power line are also energized.
- Never attempt to remove trees or limbs from a utility line.
- Notify us of the situation.
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If you or a family member relies on electric-powered medical equipment, call us so we can note it on your account. If there’s a change, update us, too.
- Call us if your power is out. (888) 835-4672
- Call 911 for medical emergencies.
- Have a backup plan in case power is out for an extended period. Our crews work as quickly and safely as possible to restore power and multi-day outages have happened following severe storms.

Using the every day accessibility of text messaging, you can quickly and easily text or email us to report an outage. Then we’ll update you with our estimated restoration time. Using GMP Text Alerts gives you peace of mind knowing that you won’t be caught by surprise.
If you don’t already have an online account, you will need to Create Account.
Learn more about Text Alerts.
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Ticks can spread diseases with some serious medical consequences, so take care to avoid bites when you’re outside, and make sure you do a tick check when you get back inside.
- Use bug spray with DEET.
- Wear long sleeves and long pants.
- Tuck pants into socks or boots.
- Be Tick Smart – more tips and info from the Vermont Health Dept.

Quick Tips
- Keep yourself and your equipment at least 10 feet away from overhead lines.
- Always work with a spotter.
- Use double-insulated and properly grounded tools.
- Install weatherproof covers and GFCIs on all outdoor outlets.
- Always keep children, pets, and livestock a safe distance away from power lines.
- Call (888) DIG-SAFE before you dig! It’s free and it’s the law.

Check the condition of electric cords.
- Replace cracked or frayed cords.
- If rugs or furniture cover them, uncover them.
- Never nail or staple cords to the wall, baseboard, or other objects.
- Use extension cords temporarily; they are not intended for use as permanent household wiring.
Check electrical outlets.
- Replace loose-fitting plugs, which can overheat and cause fires.
- Replace broken wall plates.
- Install safety covers on all unused outlets accessible to children.
- Never force a plug into an outlet.
- For multiple appliances, use an approved multi-outlet strip or have an electrician install additional outlets.
Evaluate the performance and placement of appliances.
- If an appliance has repeatedly blown a fuse, tripped a circuit breaker, or emitted an electric shock, unplug it and replace or repair the appliance.
Install Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters
- Install in bathrooms, crawlspaces, a garage, a kitchen, and all outdoor outlets.
- Ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) automatically cut the power to an appliance if it comes into contact with water.
- You can buy these inexpensive devices at the hardware store and have an electrician install them.
Never overload circuits.
- Too much wattage on a circuit can cause it to trip or fail to operate properly.
- Wires can overheat and cause an electrical fire.
Sign of a Problem
Call an electrician if:
- Lights dim or flicker
- Switch plates are hot
- Plugs are loose
- You see sparks
- Buzzing sound
- Burning smell
- Damaged insulation
Appliance Fire
If an appliance catches fire, follow these steps:
- If you can do so safely, unplug the appliance or turn power off at the circuit breaker.
- Throw baking soda on the fire or use your extinguisher.
- Get everyone out of the house quickly.
- Call 911.
If you or anyone else suffers an electrical burn, do not cool it. Seek emergency treatment immediately.
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Trimming Trees
Each year dozens of Vermonters drop a tree on powerlines, knocking out power to thousands of people. The following tips will help keep everyone safe:
- Call GMP at (888) 835-4672 for assistance before cutting down any tree that could fall into a power line. We can help make the situation safe if you are doing work anywhere near lines on your property.
- Treat all power lines as energized. Never climb or attempt to fell a tree in contact with a power line.
- If a tree falls into a power line, stop at once! Stay clear and call us at (888) 835-4672.
GMP’s Vegetation Management Program
Keeping power lines clear of branches and trees is key to safety and reliability for customers and field crews.
We do this primarily with a comprehensive and regular tree trimming and removal program across our service territory.
We also, on an annual basis, go through a regulatory and permitting process, reviewed and approved by numerous state agencies and independent professionals, to have the option to use certain approved herbicides in narrow instances for selective plant removal, especially on our transmission system (which is used for the bulk movement of power) and critical infrastructure.
We have not used herbicides on our distribution system (the lines that bring power to homes and businesses) since 2017.
In narrow instances, when it must be used, we follow a targeted, low-volume technique, inspected by the State, and apply directly to an individual plant or stump which reduces or eliminates any drift or runoff. We evaluate this every single year and we are currently evaluating it now.
- To get updates about planned herbicide use within 1,000 feet of your property, call us at (888) 835-4672 and we can add you to our outreach list.
- All GMP customers get a notice in their January energy statement explaining our program, and the ability to sign up for notifications and opt out of herbicide use at your location for 5 years.